10 Ways to Live Free in Christ

Have you ever wondered what it actually looks like to live free in Christ, or better yet, what is it that we as Christians are free from? In today’s video, I’m sharing with you 10 ways...

3 Steps to Living Free in Christ

We can be set free and still not live free. This is why Galatians 5:1 encourages us to stand firm in our freedom. The verse warns that it is possible to know Christ and not live free. How? When we...

What is Freedom in Christ?

You may have heard the saying “live free in Christ'' at church Sunday school or from your Christian friends. But have you ever taken the time to understand what it truly means to live free in...

How to Pray the Scriptures

Praying the Scriptures means using God’s Word as the framework for our prayers. It is a powerful way for believers to not only know God’s Word but to access the power of prayer and live...

Why You Should Read the Bible Everyday

Sure, we know we ought to read the Bible and Bible study seems like the good Christian thing to do. But have you ever taken the time to really understand why daily reading and studying the Bible is...

7 Lessons for Christian Content Creators

In this LIVE chat, Christina shares her journey of becoming a Christian YouTuber and how to respond when God calls ordinary people to extraordinary purpose. You’ll also learn 7 lessons for...

How to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Say

What are we supposed to do when we don't know what to pray? Just make it up. Well, that doesn't seem sincere. Not say anything at all. Well, that feels awkward. And we certainly don’t want to...

How to Become a Proverbs 31 Woman

In a world of distractions, how can we prioritize what’s most important in our lives, especially what God has called us to do? Today, we’re going to look at the Proverbs 31 Woman to...

3 Tests You Will Experience in a Waiting Season

If you know from experience that waiting seasons bring unique challenges to our faith that we normally would not face, you are not alone. In today's video, I want to share with you three tests of...

How to Make Room for God When Life is Busy

Do you ever wonder if you're spending enough time with God? Do you question how to spend more time with God, even if you want to, when you have the responsibilities and demands of everyday life...

Why You Don't Feel Like Praying

We’ve discussed how to pray on this channel in great detail but what should you do if you ever find yourself in a situation where you just don’t want to do it? If you’ve lost your...

How to Pray

Most of us already know that prayer is important to our spiritual growth and relationship with God. So, in today’s video, we’re going to learn how to pray by looking at the example...