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Worry Free Bible Study
Sign up to receive Christina’s video Bible study “Worry-Free” + Prayer Guide to learn the 3 lies feeding your worry and the truth to finally set you free.

5 Day Prayer Guide
Prayer is our direct connection to God and essential for our spiritual growth and well-being. Download my 5-day prayer guide to learn how to put into practice the powerful habit of prayer!

Bible Study Workbook
God’s Word renews our minds, changes our hearts, and frees our souls. Our free Bible study workbook was created to help you study the Bible for yourself! Download now to allow God’s Word to change your life!

7 Prayers for a Proverbs 31 Life
It’s the Proverbs 31  woman’s devotion to God that makes her the virtuous woman that we read about in the Bible. The same is true for you. To help you cultivate this type of devotion, I’ve created a free Proverbs 31 prayer guide just for you. Join below to start praying like the Proverbs 31 woman today!

Memory Scripture Worksheet
Keeping God’s Word hidden in our hearts ensures His truth is always with us. Our free memory scripture worksheet was created to help you both know and live the truth of God in your life! Download now to allow God’s Word to change your life!

Guided Scripture MeditationÂ
Keeping God’s Word hidden in our hearts ensures His truth is always with us. Our free guided scripture mediation was created to help you both know and live the truth of God in your life! Download now to allow God’s Word to change your life!

Spiritual Seasons Quiz
Understanding what spiritual season you are in is essential to the growth of your faith and relationship with God. Take our quiz to learn what spiritual season you're in and receive insights on how to navigate your season with wisdom, faith, and courage.

Prayer Personality Quiz
God made us all beautifully different even in the way we pray. Your prayer personality is the unique way you are most likely to communicate with God. Knowing your prayer personality can equip you to hear from God more clearly and overcome any obstacles to your communication with Him. Take our Prayer Personality Quiz to learn how you best hear from and connect with God in prayer.

Proverbs 31 Quiz
The Proverbs 31 woman example is not limited to wives and mothers. Although she did a lot of good things, the Bible makes it clear she was not praised for her works but her heart for God. Take this quick and fun quiz to learn what Proverbs 31 woman in the Bible you are most like.
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