When God Says Wait {How God Answers Prayers | Part 2}

We’re continuing our series on the three ways God answers prayers. We’ve talked about how God will sometimes answer with a “no” and how to trust His heart and His...

When God Says No {How God Answers Prayers | Part 1}

We can sometimes wonder if God really answers our prayers, but He always answers. In fact, there are three ways that God will always answer our prayers: with either a “no,” a...

How to Pray Without Ceasing | 3 Easy Ways

1 Thessalonians 5:17 instructs believers to pray without ceasing, but have you ever wondered if this type of continual prayer was possible and, if so, how to do it? In today’s video, learn...

Gentle Prayer for an Overwhelmed Heart | Guided Prayer

Life is full, schedules are busy, and your to-do list owns you. With as much as you have on your plate and the number of hours you work each day, you'd think you would sleep well at night, but when...

How to Boldly Answer God’s Call on Your Life

Many people are not effectively answering God’s call on their life because they are in a position of push or a position of pull, but if we want to experience the benefits of boldly walking in...

How to Hear God When You Pray

There are many ways that God speaks to His people today. We can hear from God through His Word, through confirmation, through leading from the Holy Spirit, and more, but did you know that we can...

Why God is Cutting Things Off Your Life

Have you ever experienced seasons in life where you faced test after test and trial after trial? These are what I call pruning seasons, times when God is cutting things out of our life that...

Calming Prayer to Start Your Day with Ease

Waking up in the morning to anxious thoughts and an overwhelmed heart can follow you throughout your entire day, leaving your soul tired, exhausted, and burned out. Anxiety and overwhelm are heavy...

How to Honor God in Your Harvest Season

Everyone wants a blessed life, but we can’t overlook the truth that blessings come with a responsibility that can sometimes be heavy to maintain. In today’s video, learn how to honor...

When You Don’t Want to Answer God’s Call on Your Life

God placed a specific call on your life because He trusts you. However, when we doubt God’s judgment in choosing us for the call, we’ll respond with hesitation and fear instead of...

7 Questions to Discover Your Purpose

Our Creator God, is purposeful and intentional. That means He has a reason for everything He does, including why He created you. He gives us all purpose and places a specific call on our lives. In...

Signs You Are in a Growing Season

Spiritual growth doesn’t come without change and growing pains. When life becomes challenging, however, it’s difficult to see that your season of growth doesn’t mean to...