Why You Should Start a Christian YouTube Channel

YouTube has over 2 billion monthly users and receives almost 5 billion views every single day making it one of the best places for Christian creatives, communicators and entrepreneurs to share their message and gifts with the world. If you’re not so sure about that, in today’s video, I’m going to list 5 reasons why now is the best time to start your Christian YouTube channel and why it’s not as complicated as you might think.
Hello I’m Christina Patterson and in addition to leading Beloved Women, I enjoy teaching faith-driven creatives how to increase their impact by sharing the lessons I’m learning as a Christian YouTuber, ministry leader and entrepreneur.
One lesson I’ve learned over the years is the power of YouTube. The Lord has used this platform to enable us to reach millions of women all over the world. I remember receiving a message from a woman in Belize who shared that she and her small group of friends would gather at her house to watch our videos and discuss them over Bible Study. I also remember a Spanish speaking sister on Instagram messaging me that she would translate our resources and share them with her family. This age of social media has its challenges, but it also has opened many doors for effective ministry if we’ll pay attention. So if you have a message to share, encouragement to give, or gifts with which to serve, I believe YouTube is one of the best platforms to help you do just that. Here’s why:
1. You Have a message to share
The first reason you should start a faith-driven YouTube channel is because you have a message to share and gifts to give and YouTube can provide the audience you never thought of. When I first started teaching the Bible, I wanted to be a Christian Women's speaker and encourage all the women I could with God’s truth. At the time, the only examples I saw of that were Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore, to name a few, and my personal favorites, but they spoke all around the world on big stages with thousands of people in the audience. Those types of opportunities were not knocking at my door, so I thought that I couldn’t really be a real Christian speaker. Until the Lord led me to start a YouTube channel and if you’ve been following me for a while, you know the rest is history. The Lord has graced me to share my message with millions of women from my home, with my laptop and a camera. I can record a video that will reach tens of thousands of women and then go pick my kids up from the carpool line. I love it and I think you will too. If you have a message to share, a gift to give, or a service to provide but it feels like the door of opportunity to do so just hasn't opened for you, YouTube might be the place to reach your people because God did not give you a message or gift or talent just for yourself. You’re meant to share it with the world.
2. Relevancy
The next reason you should start a Christian YouTube channel is because it is a relevant way to serve the body of Christ and reach people. Online video, streaming video services, and video conferencing is not going anywhere, anytime soon. It’s one of the most popular ways people are connecting today and if we want to stay relevant in our approach to mission and reaching people for the kingdom, we need to be where the people are. As the second largest search engine in the world and the second largest social media platform in the world with billions (with a b) of users, YouTube is where the people are and where we should be if we want to reach those people.
3. YouTube is not as hard as you think
The next reason you should start a Christian YouTube channel is that it’s not as hard as you might believe. I know many think of cameras and lighting and audio equipment when they think of starting a YouTube channel (and don’t get me started on editing) and quit even before they start. They overcomplicate the tech and assume they can’t do it and YouTube must not be for them. I get that, but if you have a smartphone, you have all that you need. The cameras on smartphones now are so advanced and capable of recording YouTube quality videos to get you started quickly and easily. Many of the students in my Christian YouTube course use their phones to record their videos and guess what? The people they are encouraging don’t care what camera they are using. They are happy to be encouraged, to receive a word from the Lord, or learn something new and your audience will be no different. If you don’t believe me, sign up for my FREE Christian YouTube masterclass at christinapatterson.com where I will teach you the tools and strategy I use to run the Beloved Women YouTube channel, so you can see for yourself how easy it can be because for the record, I started this channel with no fancy equipment. Just the webcam on my computer and even that served as a means for effective ministry. What’s in your hand; a webcam, a smartphone? You have want it takes because we serve a God who doesn’t need much to do much. The faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, so surely He can use a device as small as a smartphone to reach the masses.
4. YouTube is a fun creative outlet
The next reason you should start a Christian YouTube channel is because it is a fun and creative outlet to express yourself. When many people think of starting a channel, their goal is to reach people through their ministry, or generate income for their business or build support for their nonprofit which are all good things. We often, however, overlook the simple benefits and joys of just creating. We serve a creator God who made us in His image to create. I love reaching women with God’s love and truth through this YouTube channel, but I also love the process of creating YouTube videos. The entire journey from crafting my scripts to picking out my outfits and recording, to post-production and uploading give me great joy and satisfaction. And I believe the creation process will be an enjoyment to you as well. YouTube just might be the creative outlet your soul craves.
5. The world needs your unique Christian perspective
The next reason you should start a Christian YouTube channel is because your unique voice and Christian perspective is needed now more than ever. There is so much untruth and deception in the world today, and we have the opportunity to shine light into darkness when we raise our voices for the glory of God. God didn’t give you the message in your heart or the skill and talent you hold for no reason. He gifted you because the world needs your light, and YouTube might very well be the platform He uses to show Himself to the world though you.
Now that you know why you should start a Christian YouTube channel, I want to invite you to my FREE Christian YouTube masterclass, where I will teach you the tools and strategies I’ve used to grow my channel and the steps for you to take to start and grow your Christian YouTube channel. You can sign up at christinapatterson.com.
There is a purpose why God gave you the gifts you have so be encouraged, release fear, and keep creating for Christ.
As always, thank you so much for watching today and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed and beloved