Why Perfect Peace Doesn’t Require a Perfect Life: How to Trust God and Focus on Him (Isaiah 26:3)

Happy 2025, Beloved! I still can’t believe we’ve stepped into another year—praise the Lord! Every year, I choose a new “word” to guide me. Last year, it was “build,” and we even did a Bible study on that topic. This year, I went back and forth on what my focus word should be. I considered “connect” because I want to invest more deeply in my relationships, and “fearlessness” because I’m tired of letting fear hold me back.
But something happened over Christmas break: when I finally slowed down to spend uninterrupted time with my family, God laid a new word on my heart—“peace.” He led me to Isaiah 26:3, which says:
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3 ESV)
I want to unpack this verse and share how we can find unshakable peace, even in the middle of life’s chaos. In particular, we’ll look at:
- Why peace is always possible—even when life feels crazy.
- How the right focus unlocks the peace you crave.
- Why trusting God is the foundation of lasting peace.
Peace Is Always Possible
Earlier this season, I reflected on the birth of Jesus through our Christmas devotional in the Beloved Women App. It struck me once again how incredibly chaotic His arrival was—Mary and Joseph had to travel for the census, there was no room at the inn, and Jesus was born in a manger, far from any ideal setting. Yet Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and He entered our world in a swirl of imperfection to bring us perfect peace.
Here’s what that means for us today: Peace doesn’t come from this world—it comes from God. You can try to control or manipulate every circumstance in your life, but that won’t create genuine peace. In fact, striving for control often leads us further from peace because we realize just how much is outside our grasp.
Real peace—the kind that calms your spirit and steadies your heart—comes from God’s presence, no matter the chaos around you. Yes, even that situation. Yes, even with that person. Yes, even if things aren’t going the way you planned. When you truly believe peace is possible right now, you can let go of your attempts to control every detail.
Focus Brings Peace
One of my favorite Bible stories is Peter walking on the water (Matthew 14:22–33). As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he did the impossible—he literally walked on water. But the second he allowed himself to focus on the stormy wind and waves, he started to sink.
In Isaiah 26:3, we see the same principle: we experience perfect peace when our minds are stayed on God. When we look to the left and right—letting all the problems and distractions pull our attention away from Him—we lose our sense of peace. Our issues feel bigger than our God.
If you’re out of peace, it’s often because you’re out of focus. The key is to continually, intentionally redirect your thoughts back to the Lord. I know that’s easier said than done. Life is packed with responsibilities, temptations, and endless to-do lists. But the beautiful truth is that every time you decide to give God your attention—through prayer, worship, or simply repeating His promises—you’re stepping back into the peace that He offers.
Trust: The Foundation of Lasting Peace
So how do we keep our minds on God? According to Isaiah 26:3, it’s all rooted in trust. The verse says God keeps us in perfect peace when our minds are fixed on Him because we trust in Him.
Trust is a heart issue. It’s believing, at your core, that God is for you, He’ll provide for you, and He’s with you. I remember when I was pregnant with our first child—my daughter—and I decided to resign from my job. My husband and I went from two incomes supporting two people to one income supporting three people. The math did not add up!
Yet we both sensed this was the right decision for our family. We knew God hadn’t brought us this far to leave us hanging. So we took a leap of faith and trusted His provision. In the most miraculous ways, God always met our exact needs. If we needed $55.15, that’s exactly what came in. Taking that initial step of faith and seeing God’s faithfulness made it easier to trust Him in bigger decisions down the road.
That’s the gift of trust: once you see God show up in your life, you realize you don’t have to worry about every obstacle because you know He’s working on your behalf. Then, instead of focusing on your problems, you can stay focused on Him—and that’s where real peace is found.
Isaiah 26:3 promises that God will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds on Him and trust Him with our hearts. So when peace feels elusive, ask yourself:
- Am I focusing on God, or am I distracted by my circumstances?
- Am I trusting God with not just my mind, but my heart and actions?
As you wrestle with these questions, remember that peace is possible—even right now. It thrives in a mind that stays on God and a heart that trusts Him.
For even more help overcoming worry, download my free “Worry-Free” Bible Study at BelovedWomen.org. You’ll learn the three lies feeding your anxiety and the truth that will set you free.
Thank you so much for reading! I pray these insights help you walk in God’s perfect peace this year.
Until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and be loved.