When You Feel You are Losing in Spiritual Warfare

When You Feel You are Losing in Spiritual Warfare

In John 8:44, Jesus describes Satan as the “father of lies” because when the enemy attacks, his efforts are always rooted in a lie. 

If you feel you are losing in a spiritual battle, chances are one of the enemy's lies is taking root in your heart. To overcome those lies and take back our rightful victory in Christ, we need to know what those lies are and God’s truth to overtake them.

So in today’s video, I’m sharing with you 3 lies you need to overcome when you feel defeated in spiritual warfare.

 1. I can’t win

The first lie we need to overcome during spiritual warfare says “I can’t win.” When under spiritual attack, you may begin to feel this battle is too much and you will never be victorious. What you must understand is that no matter how it looks, you will always have victory in Christ, because the enemy is already defeated. He can make you feel or think he’s won, but he can never actually win in the end. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us:

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 ESV)

The enemy may look like he’s won, but looks are deceiving, because in Christ, you are victorious. When faced with the lie that we can’t win or this battle is just too much, we must reevaluate how we see victory. Victory isn’t our life being perfect, it’s us placing our faith in our perfect God. As long as we do that, we will always find victory. 

2. God left me

The second lie we need to overcome during spiritual warfare says “God left me.” It’s easy to feel abandoned when tested in spiritual battle. Maybe you don’t feel God’s presence and your hope in Him has been overtaken with discouragement and despair. We must remember our feelings don’t dictate God’s truth. The truth is God has promised never to leave or forsake you and He’s not about to break that promise now, no matter how intense this battle gets. Psalm 46:1 says:

“God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 CSB)


God is always found in times of trouble, the scripture says. That means your challenges are not a sign that God is absent, but a promise that God is there. When it comes to spiritual warfare, there is so much going on that we don’t know about. God is fighting unseen battles for us in the Heavenly places and winning victories for us we aren’t even aware of. If God sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ to win the ultimate battle for our souls, we can trust that He’s not about to leave us now.

3. It would be easier if I stop following God

The third lie we need to overcome during spiritual warfare says “It would be easier if I just stopped following God.” The thought is that it’s our following God that’s making us a target for spiritual attack and that is true. The enemy is not attacking people on his side and doing his work. And it’s also true that the battle might not be as intense if we switch sides, but knowing this, easier doesn’t mean it will be worth it. We will face trials as believers, but we are figuring on the right side and the eternal victory we have in Christ is worth more than anything we can gain here in the physical world. This is why, like in the words of Paul, we must “fight the good fight.” (2 Timothy 6:12) We’re going to have to fight, so we might as well fight on the right side. Living for God will make you a target for spiritual battle, but it also guarantees your victory. 1 Corinthians 15:57 tells us:

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57 ESV)

We find victory in believing the truth of God and not the lies of the enemy. Why would we choose to believe him anyway? He’s not for us. God is for us and we can always know that this battle will be worth it, God is always with us, and victory is already ours in Christ.

As believers, we are in a war, but not only is victory already ours in Christ, we have been given everything from God that we need to win.

There are two ways the Bible tells us how to overcome spiritual warfare. The first is to strengthen ourselves in the Lord and the second is to put on the whole armor of God. Learn how to do both in our next online Beloved Bible study called “Stand Firm: How to Fight for Your Faith with the Armor of God.” In this study, exclusively in the Beloved Women app, we will look deeper at Ephesians 6:10-20 to learn how to access God’s strength during spiritual warfare, how to stand firm against the attacks of the enemy, and how to practically put on each piece of the armor of God to realize the victory we as believers are promised in Christ. You are not going to want to miss this eye opening and powerful study on the armor of God with your Beloved sisters all over the world. Sign up now by joining the Beloved Women app in the Apple or Google play stores or visit belovedwomen.tv. I look forward to studying with you.

Now I would love to hear from you. What lie do you need to cast down and what truth do you need to take up as you fight the good fight? Let’s encourage one another in the comments.

As always, thank you so much for watching today and until next time be beautiful, be blessed and beloved.