When Motherhood Interrupts Your Plans

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. – Proverbs 16:9
Submitting to God’s will daily means accepting the fact that all our plans for that day may not be completed. An unexpected trip to the doctor, an unusually cranky baby, and unexpected errands to run may interrupt our daily plans. For some this may bring about much frustration as things do not go as expected but inevitably mothers must get use to interruptions. One way to do so is by submitting your day to the Lord, knowing He plans all your steps for a reason, even those not planned. C.S. Lewis once said “The truth is, what we call interruptions are precisely our real life, the life God is sending us day by day.”
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for ordering my steps on this day. I pray You have your way in my life today and that all you allow me to do advances your Kingdom. I trust you with my schedule and I thank You for your guidance. In Jesus Christ Name I pray, Amen.
*This week’s devotion is from Christina Patterson’s book "Mom Enough: A 30 Day Devotional for New Moms".