The Six Types of Storms in Life

We will all face storms in life, there's just no getting around it. Still, the storms we face will not all be the same. In fact, in my studies of the scriptures, I've discovered six types of storms Christians will have in life. Understanding what type of storm you are in is essential to enduring and coming out stronger on the other side. In today's video, learn the six types of storms and how to find hope to come out stronger than before!
1. Storms of Obedience
First, storms of obedience are the tests and trials we face as a direct result of our following Christ. Yes, it’s our obedience to God that leads us right into a storm much like the disciples who followed Jesus into a storm in Matthew 8. Just because we are doing what’s right does not exempt us from life’s challenges and can sometimes be the cause of them. It’s then we must remember God is always worth it and if He led us to a storm, He had the power to also lead us out.
2. Storms of Disobedience
Second, we face storms of disobedience. These are storms we open ourselves up to based on our own choices that take us outside of God’s will. We can avoid these storms by doing what God tells us to do, but if we are already in a storm of disobedience, we can choose to turn around and head back in the direction God always intended. This storm is meant to wake us up to the truth that God’s ways are better. He doesn’t allow these storms to make us feel bad, but to prevent us from wasting our lives by going down an empty path.
3. Storms of Purification
Storms of purification are storms we face in life that God uses to prune us. These trials take out of us what we don’t need and provide for us what we do need. No one wants a storm in life, but not all storms come to destroy. Some come to build up and make you better once all the pieces have fallen into place. Like rain purifies the air after a storm, storms of purification make us better and refine us to become the women God meant for us to be all along.
4. Storms of Protection
Some storms are for the purpose of protecting us. Whether this means to alarm us to the coming danger in our lives that we need to get away from, or to lead us out of harm's way. In His grace, God will sometimes send a storm not to harm us, but to protect and keep us safe. These storms are the alarm we need to wake up and save ourselves.
5. Storms of Warfare
Storms of warfare are storms that initiate in the spiritual places but often manifest in the physical. There is a real war going on between light and darkness in the heavenly places and as followers of the light, we too can get entangled in this battle. But our God does not leave us empty handed. He’s given us spiritual weapons to fight and win this spiritual warfare.
6. Storms of Heartbreak
Lastly, we face storms of heartbreak. These are the storms we face because we live in a fallen world. Loss, disease, and heartache can all come into our lives and turn them upside down. But God has given us an anchor in these types of storms too: hope in His Son Jesus Christ who will be with us through every storm and promises eternal life to those who place their faith in Him. We hold a future hope with no tears, pain or suffering when He returns.
Now I’d love to hear from you! What was the last type of storm you faced in life and how did God bring you through? Let’s encourage one another in the comments.
What if I told you the challenges you’re facing in life aren't here to destroy or weaken you, but to heal, restore and strengthen you? Our upcoming Beloved Women Bible study series is called “Peace in the Storm” and teaches you the 6 types of storms we will face in life and how to trust God through each storm to experience His peace and strength through it all. I invite you to join me for this eye opening and life changing new video Bible study series exclusively on the Beloved Women app available in the Apple or Google play stores or at
In addition to weekly video teachings, you’ll also receive a beautifully designed PDF study guide with weekly study questions, viewer guides, activities and more to help you follow along and make what you’re learning personal.
Whether you are just coming out of a storm, entering a storm, or currently in a storm, this series was created for you. If you’re ready to choose faith over fear, and develop the trust in God to dance in the rain, sign up for our next Beloved Women video Bible study series “Peace in the Storm” by joining the Beloved Women App today! I look forward to studying with you.
As always, thank you so much for watching today and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and beloved.