Taking Captive Every Thought

Taking Captive Every Thought

Hello Beloved!

Our greatest battles are many times in our minds. Staying positive and thinking pure and lovely thoughts, as the Bible instructs to do in Philippians 4:8, is much harder than it seems. Our thoughts lead to our beliefs, which lead to our actions, which lead to the quality of our lives. Our thoughts have too great of an impact for us not to guard them and keep our minds on God. For this reason, the Apostle Paul instructed the Church at Corinth to “destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV)

But what does it mean to take our thoughts captive and how do we do it? I'm showing you how in this week's video plus I'm sharing my personal 3 step prayer process to taking every thought captive because let's face it, making our thoughts obedient to Christ is not as easy as it seems. Good for us the help we need to honor God with our thoughts, and subsequently our actions, is one prayer away. Enjoy!

Now I'd love to hear from you Beloved, please comment and let me know how you take your thoughts captive to obey Christ? I'm looking forward to chatting with you in the comments.

If today's video was helpful to you please share it with a sister friend. You never know who may need some Beloved encouragement today.

And if the Lord places it on your heart, please consider donating to Beloved to partner with us in providing free online resources like this to empower more women to grow in their faith. As a gift, we’re offering my video Bible Study “Confessions of a Martha” for your donation of any amount. Click here to donate today!

Thanks for watching and we'll chat soon!