Relentless Joy

Joy often seems unattainable in times of uncertainty and difficulty. The Bible, however, promises believers a lasting joy from the Lord greater than our circumstances. If you desire to experience joy even in the face of challenges, I invite you to our next video Bible Study series through the book of Philippians called "Relentless Joy."
The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians at a time of considerable uncertainty. He was in prison and not sure if he would live or die. However, Paul did not write to the Philippians to complain about his situation. He wrote to gush over how joyful he was in Christ, as well as to convey his hope for the Philippians to experience this same joy. For every reason Paul had to be discouraged, he relentlessly found more reasons to be joyful.
Starting April 15, I’ll send a Bible study video each Monday to your email that covers a part of Philippians. If you're reading this after April 15 no worries, each video was created so you can jump in at any time. You can also catch up on all videos in this series here.
You’ll also receive study questions each week that coordinate with our 4”R”s Bible study method to help you work through that week’s topic. These study questions will coordinate perfectly with our LIFE Bible Journals giving you the option to keep all your study answers in one convenient place.
Throughout this study we'll cover:
- The difference between lasting joy and temporary happiness
- How to fight for your joy
- How to make the joy of the Lord your strength
Find the strength to fight for your joy today by joining our “Relentless Joy” Bible study by clicking here!
If you want even more guidance through this study you can also follow along with the Relentless Joy Bible Study Guide book. For each video session, this study guide provides key insights from your reading, a viewer guide, study questions, journal prompt, and more. You’ll also find articles titled “A Closer Look” throughout this study to gain a deeper understanding of how to experience the joy of the Lord in your everyday life. Great for both personal or group use, you'll also find a bonus activity in the back of the book and plenty of space for notes. You can purchase the print or Kindle version here.
- Bible
- Pen
- Relentless Joy Study Guide (Optional)
- The LIFE Bible Journal (Optional)
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