Maintaining Passion on Your Way to Destiny

Hello Beloved!
This week I had the honor of guest speaking on the Teacher Show YouTube channel. This channel is run by my dear friend and sister in Christ Runtendo Melody Kanguru in South Africa. Every time I introduce Melody I love to mention that she lives in South Africa. It just amazes me how God is using technology to bring the body of believers together and on one accord for His glory. In this video I share 3 reasons why you are waiting on your destiny and how to maintain your passion on the way. It's a powerful message you do not want to miss. Also, be sure to connect with Melody on her blog and YouTube channel. She is a consistent source of encouragement for us sisters in Christ. You'll be glad you did!
In this video I want to talk to you about maintaining your passion on your way to destiny. I know you've experienced this before: you get an idea or dream and initially you are so excited and passionate about it. But as time goes by, and you realize how much work it's actually going to be to see this dream come to pass and how much time will need to be invested it's easy to lose your passion and zeal as you wait for your destiny. But the Bible tells us in Galatians 6:9:
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” - Galatians‬ â€6:9‬ â€NIV‬‬
If we want to reap our harvest, if we want to see our dreams come true and experience the destiny God has for us, we simply can't give up, we must maintain our passion for the Lord. So how exactly do we do that? Because waiting can be draining and exhausting in and of itself.
Well, I want to look at an example for someone in the Bible who truly understands what it's like to wait on destiny. His name is David and we first read of him in 1 Samuel chapter 16.
Samuel was a prophet of the Lord to God's chosen people called the Israelites. When we first read of David the Lord commands the prophet Samuel to go to the house of Jessie, find one of his sons and anoint him to be the next king of Israel. Samuel goes to Jessie's house and asks that Jessie present all his sons. With each son presented to Samuel the Lord tells Samuel, that's not him. After seeing what he thinks is all of Jessie's sons Samel asked if there is any more. Jessie admits he has one more, son, the youngest, who is tending sheep. That would be David. Jessie brings David to Samuel who God confirms, this is him, this is the next King of Israel. So right there, fresh out of the field from Sheparding the sheep Samuel amounts David as the next King of Israel. So now we know, David's destiny is to be King.
Now you might think that in this moment everyone bows down to David, he races to the plaace and takes his rightful and anointed place on the thrown of Israel. That's what you would think right after being announced King but no, guess what David does? He goes right back to tending those sheep, right back to being to overlook son of Jessie, and runt of the family.
Here David was proclaimed King by God, yet he would still have to wait on that destiny. I wonder how many of you are watching this video from your office in a job that you know is not your destiny, or a school room waiting on your destiny to graduate, or in a season of loss, lack or suffering, just waiting on what's next.
David would have a very long journey before actually seeing the crown. And it makes me wonder why would God allow this whole anointing of David anyways if He knew David would not be King immediately? Why would God reval his plans and density for our lives when it seems we are no where close.
And in seeking the Lord for this answer He revealed 3 reasons why we must wait on our destiny that I believe will maintain and increase your passion for God in that season of waiting and while on our way to destiny.
Number one, we are to learn from the process. Just because God reveals the destiny to us does not mean we are ready for it. David was not ready to step into the role of King once he was anointed. God would still use his time as a Shepard of sheep to prepare him. It was out in the in the field that David fought bears and lions with his bear hands, a task that would give him the boldness and confidence to not only defeat Golith in 1 Samuel chapter 17 but also become one of Israels most fearless and sussessful Kings in battle.
If the Lord can prepare David in the field, please belive He can prepare you at your job, in your school or right at your home. This journey to your destiny is not here to discourage you, it is actually the very thing preparing you, to propel you right where you need to be.
The second thing we need to understand while on our way to destiny is that this season is meant to humble us. Now here me out because we don't like being humbled. But humility is good. The Bible tells us:
“Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life.” - â€â€Proverbs‬ â€22:4‬ â€NIV‬‬
“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” - â€â€James‬ â€4:6‬ â€NIV‬‬
“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” - â€â€Matthew‬ â€23:12‬ â€NIV‬‬
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” - â€â€Proverbs‬ â€11:2‬ â€NIV‬‬
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” -â€â€1 Peter‬ â€5:6‬ â€NIV‬‬
From these verses we learn:
- The humble persons wages are riches, honor and life
- To the humble God grants grace and favor wisdom
- The humble will not be disgraced but exalted and lifted up
This season on our way to our destiny is used to prevent I us from pride and develop the necessary humility we will need to propel us to our destiny. Because if we get there too fast we might be tempted to forget that it was God who got us there in the first place.
I've realized that God loves to place us so far from our destiny so He can show how great He is to get us there anyway.
It's the struggle on our way to destiny that reminds us that all this is not about us, it's about our God and how great He is. The humility is not about us being small it's about how much greater our God is.
This journey to our destiny is here to remind you not to make an idol out of the results but to keep our focus on God from where your help comes from. On his was to becoming King David experienced failure, fear and even ran for his very life. And through all that God showed David that He was his protector and provider. This journey to your destiny is so God can humble you enough to show you all who He is.
The last reminder from David's life that I want to give you as you persue your destiny is to enjoy the process. Allow this seasons to increase your anticipation for what God will do, even right now. Our purpose is not to anxiously await the results of our work. Our purpose is to enjoy God wherever we are. What a waste it would be to always worry about what's next what's next when we can enjoy what we have right now. This is called the discipline of contentment. And let me tell you this, if you are not content and thankful you will lose your passion for God. When David was looking at the one women he could not have, Bathsheba, He sinned against the Lord. Let's not allow our focus on the results of our work and what we don't have yet blind us from seeing Who we are working for because I promise you, God is greater.
Acquiring titles and money and competing projects is not your destiny, your destiny is to as David said in Psalm 27 to "see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living". All the stuff we need will come and so will much of what we want, but don't allow that to distract you from what's better on your way to destiny and that is this: knowing and experiencing Jesus Christ.
I know you want that house, that wedding, that job or degree, but don't miss the lessons, don't miss the joy, and especially don't miss presence of God while on your way, because this is the source of passion you will need to get to your destiny.
If you enjoyed today’s message be sure to share it with a friend because you never know who might need some Beloved encouragement today. I post new encouragement every week so be sure join Beloved to have my weekly devotion “Hello Beloved!” delivered directly to your inbox. As always, thank you so much for reading and until next time be beautiful, be blessed and beloved.