Love Made with Quina Aragon

Love Made with Quina Aragon

Every night my husband and I put our children to bed with prayer and a book. It's always very exciting when you know the person who wrote the book. So when my good friend, Quina Aragon, released her children's book "Love Made" this year, I was eager to share it with my kids.

I was even more excited to let them know I knew the author. Here's how that conversation went:

Me: I know the woman who wrote this book.

Kids: How?

Me: She's my friend.

Kids: You have friends?

Listen, most people know me as the woman with a passion for God's Word who will share what she's learning to anyone who will listen on YouTube. But to my kids, I'm just mom. Despite what they may think, I do have friends, and Quina is one of the best. She's fantastic with words and uses her gift for the glory of God. She's a phenomenal author and spoken word artist. (Little known fact: she edited my first book "Daughters of Fire").

Overall, she's a wonderful woman of God, and I'm so honored to share her love of God with you today in this interview about her book and why it's so important that we all (both big and small) truly grasp the depth of God's love for us in every season. Enjoy!