How to Wait on God

At some point or another, we will be required to wait. Maybe you are waiting for a spouse, a new job, a spiritual or emotional breakthrough or healing, financial increase, or a dream you’ve wanted to come true. Waiting is surely a test of faith and patience. In today’s video, learn 5 steps to take to ensure you still experience God’s peace even in your waiting season.
“I love nothing more than to wait for what I want,” said no one ever.
Not only do we want what we want, but we want it now. One of the greatest challenges in our walk with God is often trusting Him in our waiting seasons.
Maybe you are waiting for a spouse, a new job, a spiritual or emotional breakthrough or healing, financial increase, or a dream you’ve wanted to come true. Waiting is surely a test of faith and patience.
If you are waiting on something, today I want to encourage you with 5 steps to take to ensure you still experience God’s peace even in your waiting:
Breathe Through the Waiting
The first step is to breathe through it. Have you ever been waiting on something and when you finally get it, or receive the answer, you let out a big sigh of relief? That big sigh reveals at the beginning of your waiting you took in a big breath of expectation, and then you held it, and didn’t let go until you got the answer you were waiting on. Often, we do this spiritually. We ask God for something and then we don’t move or do anything until we get it. Well this is not sustainable depending on how long we are required to wait. A few seconds may not be so bad, but months and years? That won’t work. Waiting doesn’t mean we don’t do anything until we receive our answer. We don’t have to hold our breath and put life on hold.
Faith while waiting looks like breathing in hope and breathing out fear.
When we hold our breath, it’s like we think we can’t live and experience life until God answers. But the life Jesus offers, the abundant life He died for us to have is available for us even in our waiting seasons. So, take a deep breath, but don’t hold it. Breathe and live because through Jesus, we have eternal life, no matter what we’re waiting on or no matter how long we’ve been waiting for it.
Pray Through the Waiting
The second step to take while waiting is to pray through it. If you are waiting on something, it most likely is because you’ve already prayed for it. But we don’t stop praying just because we’re waiting. We keep praying because praying is not just about throwing up our request to God and that’s it. Prayer is about our connection to God and developing our relationship with Him. If there is ever a time we need that relationship more is when we are waiting. We can pray for God to help us while we wait, we can thank Him for what we already have while we wait, and we can seek Him for what to do while we wait all through prayer.
Work Through the Waiting
The third step to take while waiting on God is to work through it. Waiting doesn’t mean doing nothing. Take this time to learn, grow and refine. Read books, take courses and of course study God’s word. Just because you are waiting doesn’t mean you stop growing. Actually, it’s in our waiting seasons where our spiritual roots grow deeper in God as we are required to walk by faith and not by sight. Choose to allow these waiting seasons to make you better and not bitter.
Worship Through the Waiting
The fourth step we can take in our waiting seasons is to worship through the waiting. The Bible tells us:
“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.” (Lamentations 3:25 ESV)
Worship is the way that we focus our minds on God so that we remember that our hearts should be on God and not only on what we are waiting for. Because the God that we serve is greater than anything we could be waiting for. He’s loving, He’s kind, and He’s generous. He satisfies our soul like nothing else, and it is through worship that we have that fullness of joy, and that peace that we cannot find anywhere else but God.
Hope Through the Waiting
The fifth and final step to take is to hope through it. Hope can turn our waiting season from miserable to miraculous. Not because we choose to hope but because of Who we place our hope in. Psalm 130:5-6 says:
“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.” (Psalm 130:5-6 ESV)
When we place our hope in God and in His promises, we can make it through the challenges of a waiting season. Although waiting is hard, God is faithful. Although we don’t know what will happen, we do know God’s Word will always stand true.
As we wait, I want to encourage you to keep breathing, keep praying, keep working, and above all, keep hoping.
Now I would love to hear from you Beloved. Be sure to comment on this video and let me know what encourages you in your waiting seasons. Let’s encourage one another in the comments.