How to Become a Proverbs 31 Woman

In a world of distractions, how can we prioritize what’s most important in our lives, especially what God has called us to do? Today, we’re going to look at the Proverbs 31 Woman to learn 3 ways to live intentionally for Christ, even when life is busy. Enjoy!
The Proverbs 31 Woman reminds me of a garden. Well taken care of, fruitful and flourishing. She seems to have a focus on what’s most important in life and has not become distracted by meaningless things. Proverbs 31:27 says this about her:
“She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” (Proverbs 31:27 NIV)
There are 3 points I want to make about the Virtuous Woman that we can all learn from if we too want to be fruitful and live intentionally for Christ.
First, the Proverbs 31 Woman was watchful. This woman was alert and aware of the needs of her home and family because she was present. She was not distracted or busy but maintained a level of stillness and wisdom to watch and listen. So often, our lives can be so rushed that we find it hard to take even 10 minutes to be still and access the heartbeat of our homes. Does our husband need some encouragement because work has been stressful? Does our mom need more calls from us because social distancing has left her more alone than normal? Do your children need building up because they have encountered some mean kids at school? Does our friend need a girl’s night out as she heals from a recent heartbreak? Everything in our lives that needs attention will not always scream out to us. Many times we need to quiet our souls to hear the things not said, so we can serve and love accordingly.
Second, the Proverbs 31 Woman was attentive to her household. She exemplified the gift of focusing on taking care of her own house and not worrying about someone else’s. Yet, how often are we scrolling and double-tapping someone else’s life online while neglecting our own real life? All of this is a distraction that leads to comparison, the fear of missing out, and discontentment. When we focus on our own homes and lives, we become grateful, and our hearts open to see just how blessed we already are.
Last, the Proverbs 31 Woman was fruitful because she does not eat the bread of idleness. The bread of idleness are the things we consume that lead to nothing. They are not fruitful. Whether it be the distraction of our phones, gossip, or simply checking out mentally, we rob our families, friends, and households the best of our presence when we are not intentional about doing God’s will. I love the Proverbs 31 woman because she does not do nothing, but she also doesn’t do everything. She does the right next thing.
May we too be women who walk in step with God’s will in this way. When we do, the blessing of a fruitful and flourishing relationship with God will fill our hearts and overflow into our homes.
Now I’d love to hear from you, Beloved! How are you intentionally keeping God first in your life, especially in busy seasons? Let’s encourage one another in the comments.
Now here is something fun for you. I have a quiz for you. Click here to take our “Which Proverbs 31 Woman Are You?” quiz to find out which of 7 women in the Bible you are most like. Now there is no right or wrong answer; this is simply just for fun. Be sure to comment below to let me know which Proverbs 31 woman you are.
Also, if you are interested in learning more about the Proverbs 31 woman, and what it means to practically live as a woman of virtue, I want to invite you to check our Beloved Women Bible study series called “Worth More than Rubies: A Grace-filled Bible Study on the 7 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman.” You can watch the entire series now on the Beloved Women app or at
Thank you so much for watching and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and beloved.