Hallelujah Anyway

Lord I’ve been feeling kind of down, in a distressing phase
But even before You deliver me, Hallelujah anyway
Got exams left and right, been feeling kind of stressed
But I praise You anyway because I am truly blessed
Afraid to check my account, moneys looking kind of tight
So I worship You Lord, I know that You will make it right
Got some situations didn’t turn out the way I wanted to
But Your grace is sufficient for me so I send my praises up to You
I’m giving my very best, I’m giving my all,
but I can’t see through all this haze
So I’ll follow you to joy, not quite there, but Hallelujah anyway
Can’t sleep straight through the night, but more than sleep I need rest
But I know it’s on the way, glories to You, even through this test
I’ve been trying to get to where I need to be but from here it looks so far
So I worship You Lord because of who You are
Struggling to find the strength just to get through the day
But I know you’re right beside me so Hallelujah anyway
I’ve been working really hard as You supply all my needs
I haven’t seen any fruits, but Hallelujah for planting the seeds
Trying my best to stay encouraged as depression knocks at my door
But my victory is in my worship so I fall to the floor
As I lift my hands You’re more than worthy of my praise
But that is all I have right now, so Hallelujah anyway