Go Again: Overcoming Doubt

Go Again: Overcoming Doubt

Hello Beloved!

As I'm moving forward with some things the Lord is calling me to do, I've recently found myself facing doubt more frequently. Some of the things that I'm trying to accomplish I've tried before and did not succeed. You'd think trying something for the second or third time would be easier as you've learned from the past. In many ways, it is until doubt comes along and you find yourself questioning if you're really ready this time, what if you fail again, and wonder if you're just wasting your time and energy.

Doubt is like a mountain right in front of you. It doesn't make getting to your destination impossible, but it sure does make it much more difficult. However, as I was praying to the Lord at church this past Sunday He placed an encouraging word in my spirit: Doubt can only make you think you're defeated.

Doubt is an opinion. It's not the truth. So if doubt has been whispering in your ear lately, today's video will encourage you to exercise a level of faith that moves the mountain of doubt in your life and keep moving forward in Christ. Enjoy!

If today's video helped you in any way, please share it with a sista-friend who needs the same encouragement.

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