Gentle Prayer for an Overwhelmed Heart | Guided Prayer

Life is full, schedules are busy, and your to-do list owns you. With as much as you have on your plate and the number of hours you work each day, you'd think you would sleep well at night, but when your head hits the pillow, you automatically start overthinking everything you didn't get done that day, and how much there is left to do tomorrow.
You're constantly doing more, but it never feels like enough, and stress and anxiety are constant and unwelcome companions. You feel it in your body, your heart, and your soul. If this describes you today, the best place to start to untangle an overwhelmed heart is with a sincere prayer to God. Let us pray:
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for always being gentle and kind to me, even when I'm not patient with myself and the world is demanding the most of me. I take a moment right now to rest in Your presence, away from the stress of all there is to do, and simply be with You. Thank You for accepting me as I am despite my accomplishments, work, or achievements. You don't need my work. You desire my heart.
Lord, today I have an overwhelmed heart in desperate need of Your healing. Please heal my heart from perfectionism that causes me never to feel like I'm doing enough or that I am enough.
Please heal me of people pleasing that leads me to work for the approval of others and not the glory of You alone.
Please heal me from hiding behind my work in an attempt to avoid my problems instead of taking them to Your throne.
Lord, You do not rush my soul, You restore my soul. Psalm 23 reminds me:
"He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." (Psalm 23:2-3a ESV)
Lord, I pray for mental strength to place the necessary boundaries in my work and relationships so that there may be no interference between me and Your peace.
Please un-hurry my soul and pace my steps. May I walk in step with Your Spirit so that I can stay in Your will. Please grant me clarity to know what is really a priority and what is not. Help me to know what is mine to carry and what is mine to release.
I pray for power and strength to do what I'm called to do and wisdom to know what I need to let go. I trust You with both because what You have for me is mine. I don’t have to fear losing or missing out on anything You already predestined for me to have. I don't need to work for it or earn it. My priority is You. I'm encouraged by this promise:
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33 ESV)
I refocus my mind on You and realign my heart to Your will. I trust You can do more with my little than I can do with a lot, and I choose to place my faith in Your promise to provide and Your faithful track record to always take care of me.
May my work glorify You, my mind stay on You, and my heart rest in Your love always.
In Jesus Christ's Name, I pray, amen.
If you prayed that prayer with me, please be sure to type “Amen” in the comments so we can see who is joining and agreeing with us in prayer.
I also invite you to take my Prayer Personality Quiz to learn how you best hear from God, how you most likely connect with Him in prayer, and to just have a little fun. Take the quiz now at, or find the link in the description of today’s video.
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Thanks so much for praying with us, and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and beloved.