Finding Your Identity In Christ | How to Know Your Christian Identity

Confident, bold, and courageous women of faith all have one thing in common: an unshakable assurance in who they are in Christ. Yet for many Christian women, insecurity, imposter syndrome, and fear block them from walking in full confidence in who they are in Christ, but that stops today. In this video, I’m revealing three biblical truths that teach us how to overcome what's between you and embrace who you are in Christ. Enjoy!
When you know who you are in Christ, you overcome insecurity because you understand the fundamental basis of who you are is not something you can lose.
When you know your identity in Christ, you overcome shame because you know your identity is not in what you’ve done, but who God says you are.
When you know who you are in Christ, you gain victory over discouragement because you know what God has for you is for you, and it can’t be taken away.
It is critical that we embrace our identity in Christ, and I think that many of us know this, yet we all experience the challenges of truly walking in the boldness and confidence of knowing who we are in Him. This is no coincidence or accident. There is a direct attack from the enemy against your identity because the enemy knows when you clearly see, know and walk in the power of who God made you to be, you are unstoppable. So, if we can overcome these challenges and embrace our true identity, we can become and receive all that God has for us.
In this video, you will learn:
- 🪪 What it means for your identity to be in Christ
- 🛑 The 3 major obstacles we must overcome to embrace our identity in Christ
- ✝️ What’s lost, when we don’t know who God says we are
But first, we need to answer the question of what it means for our identity to be in Christ.
Your identity are the unique characteristics and aspects about yourself that make up who you are and differentiate you from everyone else. Your identity provides a way to recognize who you are apart from others.
This is a basic definition of identity, but as believers in Christ, the Bible tells us our identity is now no longer in details that we may find on an ID card, local profile or certificate, but in Him. In Galatians 2:20, the Apostle Paul says:
“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (â€â€Galatians‬ â€2‬:â€20‬ â€ESV‬‬)
Paul’s identity is no longer based on what he’s done, what he does, what he looks like, who he knows, what he knows, what he has, or where he’s been. His identity is now completely rooted in Christ and His relationship to God.
We now identify by the fact that we have relationships with God and that has a profound impact on who we are now compared to who we were before believing in Christ.
- Before Christ, we were enemies of God. In Christ, we are friends of God
- Before Christ, we were dead in our sin. In Christ, we are saved and redeemed
- Before Christ, we were slaves to our flesh. In Christ, we are joint heirs with Christ
- Before Christ, we were lost without hope. In Christ, we are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God
When we come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, our identity shifts, but accepting our new identity in Him isn’t always easy for several reasons.
- We Must Know God to Know Ourselves
First, if we want to know who we are in Christ, we have to know Christ. We must have a deep fellowship with God to know His character and His will so that we can know ourselves. Since our new identity comes from God, embracing that identity means seeing ourselves the way God sees us. But old habits die hard. Still, as we grow to know God more, we’ll grow to know who He made us to be.
Since God is our Creator, He is the one that made us. He orders all our steps. He knit us together in our mother’s wombs. We cannot know our identity apart from Him. This is why there’s such an attack against anything that helps you to gain a greater knowledge of God, like prayer, Bible Study, and fellowship with other believers.
The enemy knows that the more you learn about your Creator, the more you learn about yourself. When we look at Genesis, we see that God said, “Let us make man in our image.” That means that we are made in the image of God, so if we want to know the power and purpose that we hold, we find our true identity not by looking in the mirror, or further into ourselves, but we look to God.
Our problem today is that we’re trying to find our identity in everything outside of God. We’re trying to find identity in ourselves apart from God. We’re trying to find identity in our desires and our security in our titles, how much money we make, and how many followers we have. But if those things do not make us, they have no right to tell us who we are. They describe us, but they do not identify us.
A simple description of you can change. As the popular 90s R&B philosophers TLC once articulated:
You can buy your hair if it won't grow
You can fix your nose if he says so
You can buy all the make-up that MAC can make
You can change just anything about yourself if you want, but the essence of who you are is your identity.
2. Overcome Comparison
When it comes to embracing our identity in Christ, we have to overcome comparison. The fact of the matter is God made us all different for a reason. That’s what He wanted to do. It was not some accident. It was the plan. God finds beauty in diversity, and yet we reject this as we constantly try to, conform as the Bible tells us to the pattern of this world and be like everyone else. That’s an act of the flesh to conform to the world and to just go with the flow of the world. Instead, we’re supposed to be transformed by God, and God has made us all different. So when we see our sister thriving and she’s doing good, just because she’s operating in a different capacity or way than we are does not mean that we’re doing bad. Different is not bad, or worse or better. Different is just different. When God made creation in all of its variety, He said it was good. So we can’t try to be like everyone else to truly embrace who we are in Christ.
3. See Yourself Through God’s Eyes
Finally, if we want to be able to embrace our identity in Christ, we have to align our thoughts with the thoughts of God. God sees the potential in us before we see it in ourselves and oftentimes, He will call us into rooms and give us opportunities that we feel like we can’t do; we feel like we’re too weak. We feel like we’re inadequate and maybe God made a mistake. We have to trust what God sees in us even when we can’t see it in ourselves. He’s not looking for perfection. He sees your potential.
It’s time that we start trusting God's call on our lives more than the weakness that we see in ourselves. He’s going to call you to do something you’ve never done before or go somewhere you’ve never gone before, and if we’re looking to our past to identify if we’re qualified, we won’t find it.
I think about Peter who Jesus called “Rock” and said Peter would be the rock, the foundation of His church. He was a fisherman and he would betray Jesus, but Jesus saw something that Peter didn’t see, yet. He sees something in you that you can’t see yet either, and this is why we have to operate in faith when it comes to embracing our identity in Christ.
God sees the future and He knows who you have the capacity of becoming in that future so when it comes to embracing our identity in Christ, we have to have faith in what we can’t always see, but what God still sees in us.
There's such an attack on our identity in this day and age because as believers in Christ, and as those made in the image of God, as those called children, beloved friends of God, our very identity reflects back to the greatness of God. Embracing your identity in Christ isn't just about increasing your self-esteem or feeling good about yourself. It's an intrinsic Evangelistic tool that God has placed inside of us to show His light to a dark world. If you don't know who you are in Christ and you go around acting like someone who you were not created to be, then the world misses out on seeing Christ through you. If we want to find that identity, we don't find it in the world and we don't find it in ourselves; we find it in Christ and the sacrifice that He made for us that showed to the world God loves us not because we're worthy, but because He considered us worth it.
So don't allow anyone to convince you you’re anyone other than who God says you are, but that takes being able to hear and connect with God. So I want to invite you to watch this video to learn 3 powerful ways to hear God more clearly.
For more encouragement, download my free Bible Study called “Worry-Free” to learn the 3 lies feeding your worry and the truth to set you free at Thanks for watching, and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and beloved.