5 Biblical Habits to Cultivate a Life of Joy

5 Biblical Habits to Cultivate a Life of Joy

Hello Beloved!

Most people want more joy in their lives. Unfortunately, many times we confuse happiness and real joy. We then do things like grow our social media, strive to make a lot of money, work hard to look a certain way or fit in with a particular group of people. These things may make us happy if we attain them, but they do not lead to true joy. The lasting joy that our souls crave come from God and His Word shows us how we can experience more of His joy in our lives. In this week's video learn five biblical habits that lead to joy. Enjoy!

 Now I’d love to hear from you, Beloved. Comment and let me know, what habits do you practice to cultivate more joy in your life? I’m looking forward to hearing your responses in the comments.


The book of Philippians teaches us how to experience the joy of the Lord that is ours in Christ. Join me for our next online Bible Study, “Relentless Joy,” that starts April 15, 2019.  This free video Bible Study series will take us through the book of Philippians to learn how to live a joyful life. Click here to sign up and get your “Relentless Joy” Bible study guide to follow at the Beloved Boutique or on Amazon.