4 Words That Stop Fear Every Time

It’s the new year and we’re all excited about what God has in store for 2017. We’ve set our goals. We’ve made our plans. And we’re just glad to place 2016 behind us. We’re looking at 2017 with hope and expectancy. Well, until fear sets in spewing it’s ugly lies into our minds and hearts. You know the ones:
What if this doesn’t work out
What if this year is just going to be another failure . . .
What if I mess up . . . again
What if they say no
What if I try and look stupid
I’m not strong enough to get it right
I’m not smart enough to give my opinion
I can’t do this as well as her
I can’t stop doing this wrong
I won’t ever get this right
I won’t see this dream come to pass
What if ___________
I’m not ___________
I can’t ____________
I won’t ____________
If fear has been in your ear recently you won’t have any problem filling in the blanks above.
These thoughts are not here to warn or protect you. Quite the opposite. They are here to stop you from receiving all that God has for you. Their mission is to discourage, paralyze, and destroy. We can’t let that happen. We won’t let that happen.
We must stop listening to fear and stop having conversations with the enemy. We do not negotiate with terrorist. We should stop listening to the voices who’s sole purpose is to trick us into fear and the insecurity, doubt, and worry that follows.
We must fight fear with the truth. And I’ve learned 4 simple words to stop fear in its tracks every time. You may need to whisper them to yourself in your heart or proclaim them loudly throughout your home. Either way, fear won’t have a chance when you boldly proclaim these 4 words:
Read the rest of this article that originally appeared on The Praying Woman by clicking here.