3 Ways To Increase Your Passion For God

Passion is power. It compels us to do things we wouldn't normally do. Passion is greater than feelings that come and go. Passion is what drives us to keep running when we're weak, stay up when we're tired and to go longer when we really just feel like quitting.
Passion is key to the health of your relationship with God. One of the leading problems with Christians today is that we've lost our passion, our desire, and our fire for God. So in today's video I'm giving you 3 practicals ways you can increase your passion for God today!
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for passion today. I pray for an increased appetite for You and Your will in my life. I love You. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.
Click here to listen to the audio
Once you've enjoyed today's video be sure to comment and let me know what else we can do to increase our passion for God today. Now don't be shy, some Beloved sister needs to hear the encouraging input that only you can provide.
Just three things before you go!
1)My latest book"Daughters of Fire: Igniting Your Passion For God In An Increasingly Dark World" is NOW available on Amazon & Kindle! This will be a great addition to our bible study series starting October 3 by the same title but again, it is not necessary to participate or be blessed by the study.
2) This Thursday, September 15, 2016 @ 9:00PM EST we will celebreate the launch of my book "Daughters of Fire" with a FREE Virtural Launch Party. Join me and special guests Kia Stephens, Tori Chapman, Rutendo Melody Kanguru (all the way from South Africa), and Courtaney Richard as we talk about how to live a passionate life for Jesus in such a dark world. Register now here and you will be entered to win a free signed copy of "Daughters of Fire"!
3) Shop our Beloved Boutique tomorrow September 13 through Wednesday, September 21, 2016 and receive free shipping on your entire order by using code: SUNSET16.