3 Steps to Living Free in Christ

3 Steps to Living Free in Christ

We can be set free and still not live free. This is why Galatians 5:1 encourages us to stand firm in our freedom. The verse warns that it is possible to know Christ and not live free. How? When we still choose to live under sin. Remember, when we accept Christ into our hearts, we are given the power to choose freedom, but we still have the power not to choose freedom. So, what can we do to help us choose right and stand firm in our freedom?

First, we must accept God’s grace.

If we think we need to work for God’s approval or work for our sin, we will become slaves once again to an impossible cause. When we accept that God did all the saving work for us on the cross, we release ourselves from working off a never-ending debt and start and keep living free in God’s grace.

Second, we work from a place of gratitude.

As believers, we are not saved by good works, but we are saved for good works. This means we are still called to live holy lives. Just because we are forgiven of our sins by God’s grace doesn’t mean we don’t have to worry about living right. It now means that our living right isn’t from an indebted heart trying to pay God back, but from a grateful heart that is thankful for what God already did. It’s this heart in response to God’s grace that frees us from work we were never called to.

Third and finally, we must walk by the Spirit.

One might wonder, how can I ensure I don’t use my freedom to sin? The answer is to walk by the Spirit. This means to love God and let Him lead every area of your life. When you do, you don’t have to worry about doing everything perfect because the Spirit will not lead you wrong. Your focus can then be free from millions of rules and ways to get it wrong, to one simple thought each day that will never lead you wrong: let the Spirit lead. We do this when we ensure we feed our spirit more than we feed our flesh. We pray to connect with God, we read the Bible to feed on His truth, and we serve and love in obedience to the Lord. 

Now I would love to hear from you Beloved! What step do you need to take next to live free in Christ? Let’s encourage one another in the comments.

Want to learn more about how to live free in Christ? I invite you to join our Beloved Women Bible Study “Called to Freedom: A Study of Galatians to Learn How to Live Free in Christ.” This video series walks you through the book of Galatians to help you live free from pleasing people, comparison, guilt, and more so you can truly embrace the freedom you are called to in Christ. Join now by becoming a Beloved Women member at belovedwomen.tv or download the Beloved Women app available in the Apple or Google play stores. I look forward to studying with you.

Thank you so much for watching and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and beloved.