How to Choose a Scripture to Study

You’re prepared to study God’s Word. You have your Bible, pens, and journal ready to hear from God. You open your Bible however, and have no idea what scripture to study today. Have you experienced this before? In today’s video, I’m sharing 5 Bible study tips to help you easily choose which scripture to study every time.
With 66 books, over 1000 chapters, and 31,000 verses in the Bible, how do we choose what scripture to study? To prevent decision fatigue from entering your time in the Word, here are 5 very simple ways to choose what scripture to study so you can focus on hearing from God through His Word.
1. Use a Bible Study Plan
If you don’t want to guess each time you open your Bible what to study, my advice to you would be to use a Bible study plan that provides reading for you over a set number of days. You can find plans on the YouVersion Bible app, and even in the Beloved Women app. Beloved video Bible studies come with study guides that provide you with reading and study questions to guide you through the scriptures. Using a Bible plan takes the guesswork out of what scripture to study so you can focus on studying that scripture.
2. Pray for direction
As believers who desire to hear from God, it’s important that we don't only study what we want to hear, but more importantly, what God wants to say. If our Bible reading is only about us, we may miss out on an important truth we may not have known to ask or look for on our own. So when you are looking for a scripture to study, be sure to pray that God will lead you to the text. He knows what you need even more than you do, and by the guidance of His Holy Spirit, we can be sure we’ll be led to the best scriptures to study.
3. Read your Bible every day
As you read, see what scriptures stand out and stir your spirit. The more you read the Bible, the more chances you have of being led to the scripture you may want to study more in depth.
4. Look for confirmation and repetition
Do you keep hearing and seeing the same scripture? That may be God leading you to dig deeper into this text. Pay attention when you continue to come across the same scripture or text in the Bible multiple times. When you do, it’s a good idea to dig deeper and study that scripture. When this is the case for me, I’ve found that God was leading me to that text for a very specific reason to speak to me in a very personal way.
5. Access what you need
What are the truths you need to plant in your heart this season? If you are facing a lot of fear, then study scriptures and speak truth to your heart about trusting God and not being led by fear. The same goes for any other struggle you may have. God’s Word is our bread of life and provides for our souls what we need. When we know what that need is, we can study the scriptures accordingly to find the nourishment our souls crave that only the Word of God can provide.
Now I’d love to hear from you. How do you decide what scripture you will study in the Bible? Let’s encourage one another in the comments.
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Thank you so much for watching today, and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and beloved.